Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Social Media Bookmarking

Using social media is, in essence, an extension of our own bodies. We use it as another way to communicate and express our feelings. Social media is a new way for people to paint the perfect portrait, and through this portrait people can portray their most idealistic selves. In our group, each person has a different opinion on these tools, as does the rest of the world. Some people could see using twitter as excessive, and annoying. We already have so many electronic ways of communicating, that it seems ridiculous to add another to those that we already use. Others see social media as a great way to communicate and express themselves with many other people, both within their own communities and abroad, in other countries. These new sources of media are a way to keep everyone updated on the lives of others, and their own.
For our blogging project we used the twitter account titled “Unfuckwithables” and Delicious account “Isitwithable”. These two social media websites are just two new electronic ways that people can express and share ideas and bits of discussions that relate to our studies. Twitter allows us to follow people that we are studying in class, such as Chuck Klosterman, and get snapshots of breaking news stories, like those in the Globe and Mail, or Toronto Star. By using these sources of media, we can gain greater insight into these people, and view information pertaining to our studies faster. Most of us in the group are new to using Twitter and Delicious, and this is the first time we have experimented with it. They are both interesting tools, and could turn out to be useful to us in the future when we properly understand and are able to utilize the media that they produce.
Although Twitter could turn into a useful website, it rarely seems to be. Most things that people post on Twitter are far from intelligent and very unimportant, which also seems to be the norm with Delicious. After only having used the two websites for a short period of time, it seems a user will have to sort through endless videos about mediocre jokes before they stumble upon an article, video or tutorial that has actual substance. Twitter and Delicious, among others, are just more media that people indulge in, another craze that will soon be replaced with an even more ridiculous social entrapment. It seems like a cool idea in the sense that someone can be personally updated by celebrities, and others they idolize. This is because this type of media makes the setting more intimate, almost as if you’re connected to that personally specifically. Except, this type of blogging is also negative for society. People have been becoming quite full of themselves, since they realized the world is so interested in what 140 characters they will tell them about. What is really important is that aspect of keeping in tough with one another, because it’s a great feeling to communicate with actual human beings rather than through an electronic mircoblog. People should be talking rather than tweeting.
Check out our Twitter and Delicious accounts: